Stuart Selber defines the ideal multiliterate student as one
who masters functional, critical, and rhetorical literacy. In terms of computer
skills, Selber characterizes functional literacy as the ability to use technology, whereas critical
literacy requires students to question technology,
and rhetorical literacy means the student can produce technology (25).
The same categories characterize composition – functional
literacy is the ability to write (you know the alphabet, basic grammar and
syntax rules, etc., and you can use those basic skills to express your ideas);
critical literacy is the ability to interpret and evaluate your own and others’
writing within the appropriate social, political, and historical contexts; and
rhetorical literacy is the ability to communicate ideas via text using an
appropriate approach for the given audience and writing situation.
Of course, these literacies do not exist in isolation, nor
are they stepping stones; we constantly move between the three. Knowing when to
focus on which skill is the mark of a good writer.
For me, the big question, as we’ve frequently discussed in
my Literacy & Technology course this quarter, is how to think about these
literacies in a way that adequately promotes both computer and composition
But maybe this isn’t as complicated as I’ve been trying to
make it. Maybe the synthesis of computers and composition simply means that the
digitally literate student knows enough about a technology to accomplish her composition
goals. If she wants to write a blog, she needs to be able to use the blog, which means understanding
how the blogging platform works and what the composing standards are (e.g., how
to insert photos and hyperlinks). She also needs to be able to question the blog, which means realizing
how people can find her blog, what social and political factors are at play in that
community, and how her blog engages with those factors. Finally, she needs to produce the blog, which means
understanding enough about the programming of the blogging platform to
personalize the templates and enough about the blogging community to produce
content that people want to read.
Of course, we can’t go through and teach our students how to
obtain functional, critical, and rhetorical literacy for every tool out there; composition instructors have
to think carefully about which digital tools are most appropriate for a
specific assignment. This question of appropriateness leads to the concern that
if we shift our focus to digital products like blogs, we may be losing critical
thinking skills that are uniquely developed through writing academic papers.
But do we really think that’s true? Is writing a blog less
critical than writing a one-page reading reflection paper? From my experience
in this course, the writing process is not that much different (in fact, I’m
composing this in a Word doc). The only difference is that I have a broader audience
and a more involved process for preparing the final product, which, if
anything, requires me to be more attentive to functional, critical, and rhetorical
ReplyDeleteThe parallels you draw between a multiliterate student in composition (traditional sense) and in digital environments seem useful in characterizing literacy views for a print composition paradigm and literacy views for a digital composition paradigm.
In the move towards multimodal composition, we certainly don't want students to lose the ability to write, to evaluate and interpret others' writing, and to effectively communicate ideas via text. But we do want them to think beyond writing and texts--to think about how communicating meaning happens (or might happen) in digital environments. We want them to be critical users of technology, to understand the possibilities and limitations of using different modes and mediums to communicate meaning and engage "readers." Composing in digital environments offers students so many more choices--we want their choices to be informed ones, demonstrating awareness of social, political, and historical contexts.
I agree with your statement that a "digitally literate student knows enough about a technology to accomplish her composition goals." To achieve one's goals in a digital environment, one needs to be able to use, question, and communicate (through) a technology. Do you think it makes sense to expand your definition of a digitally literate student to include a focus on communication and reader goals?
Thanks for sharing your useful insights!
Yes, I think you're right that we need to think about communication and reader goals, but I also wonder how explicitly we should be teaching these things? Do we want to give students the traditional academic vocabulary surrounding composition, communication, and reading, or do we want to teach the skills more indirectly through the practice of composing and reading online?